I’m a people-person, and as such, I spend quite a bit of time being a social butterfly. To get my fix, I attend several business and social functions each month. Inevitably, the first question people ask when I tell them that I work for Kinetic Channel Marketing is, “What is channel marketing?” It’s a good question, but never knowing how interested the other party is, I always lead with the basics: “We help companies that sell products through a dealer network to increase sales and profits.”

For some, this explanation makes complete sense and requires no further elaboration, while others may determine that what I do is of no interest to them. In both cases, the conversation typically moves on. Every now and then, however, the next question is, “What exactly does that mean?” And while I suspect that some of those curious enough to ask would’ve been completely satisfied with the basics, it’s too late, because I’ve already launched into my spiel…

“Channel marketing is marketing to the distribution channel. Beyond that definition, it gets a little more complex, depending on whom you are asking. For Kinetic and our clients, who all sell through a dealer network, the dealer, and sometimes the distributor, is the channel. In a nutshell, we market from the manufacturer to the dealers with the intent of influencing dealers, creating the optimal customer experience and increasing sales. We accomplish this through a variety of means, ranging from dealer communication programs to product launch training to reward and recognition programs and a whole lot in between.”

Interested? Learn more at www.meetkinetic.com.

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